No doubt you are a member of one or more professional associations, but MATA is unique and has lots to offer to you and your students involved in film, photo, sound, computer arts, holography, and other media arts:
- Invitation to the regional Media Arts Shows
- Local educational, professional development and social meetings
- Curriculum support
- Preparation for students applying to the New York State Summer School of Media Arts
- Online discussion – members may post news and other items to this blog
- Professional Development opportunities
- Monthly newsletter
- Opportunity to showcase your students’ work online and at regional shows
“NYSMATA is the only known professional teachers organization of its kind in the country.”
—Leslie Yolen, Associate in Visual Arts Education, Curriculum and Instruction Team New York State Education Dept.
MATA membership is open to any professional working in (or retired from) media arts related education in K-12 or college. Membership is currently Free, but must be renewed on an annual basis. Please fill out the form below. A Director will contact you, and you will received a membership card in the mail.
school page
I would like to join this group. I just heard about it through School of Print Media Teacher’s Workshop! Thank you!
I’m interested in sharing and learning ideas with media.